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This page contains brief details about the drug etoposide, it’s indication, dosage & administaration, mechanism of action, related brands with strength, warnings and common side effects.
Date of Approval
ETOPOSIDEThe U.S. FDA approved Etoposide as an anticancer medication to treat a certain type of cancer on 11th April 1983.
Mechanism of Action of Etoposide
Etoposide works by inhibiting the activity of topoisomerase II (essential for cell replication) and DNA synthesis, which will prevent cancer cells from growing and multiplying, ultimately leading to cell death.
Uses of Etoposide
Etoposide treats testicular, small-cell lung, acute myeloid leukemiaacute myeloid leukemia (blood cancer), Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and ovarian cancer. This medicine can prevent the proliferation of cancer cells and prevents cell division which ultimately leads to cell death.
Etoposide Dosage available
It is an intravenous infusion drug that is injected through the veins. Your physician will choose the dosage and administration frequency based on your medical condition because it differs for each person.